09 March 2009


laundry day


Mosaica said...

Ah, it looks so spring-like there :-)

Do you live near this laundry?

emi said...

すごい洗濯物ですねー。私も今日洗濯しました、家の中で、だけど。 今度は外に干そうかなーと思いました。

flying hawk said...

Dear Mosaica, I'm back after fever!! It was a very sunny day (cold, though) and I particularly love this little squase (it's called 'Campo do pozzi' that means 'Square with two wells' because, of course, of the two ancient stone wells in it), but it is not a laundry. How can I explain? It's just that on sunny days like these, Venetians hang washed cloths to dry on washing lines outside their homes. I have my washing line too!! thay are very useful if you have no garden or terrassa!! :-)

flying hawk said...

Hanakoさん, 今日は!! ここに遊びにきてくれて, ありがとうね!

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