04 August 2015

Redentore Festival 2015


restaurants and locals alike, getting ready for the evening fireworks display. it was the night of the 18th of July, the Redentore festival so loved and cherished by Venetians.


locals mark their chosen spot for seeing fireworks at 11.30pm early in the afternoon, with colorful paper baloons...or with a note on the brick walls! "reserved for Baffa-Baldrocco family" as in the picture below!

ではでは、今度の写真集はVenezia人に大好きなレデントレ祭と花火大会です。携帯電話のカメラを花火セッティングにしても、うまく撮れなかった。。。選んだ位地も駄目だったね。写真の右部分を見てみたら、すぐ分かる : 大きな街灯があって、フラッシュみたいに光っている。残念、残念!

curious Venetian cat exploring my handbag
and the ideal spot for a wine aperitif, El Réfolo along Via Garibaldi, my favourite in town!

Venice is much more about stones than it is about trees but here and there a lonesome tree can surprise you. it is just around the corner

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