29 December 2009


ed ecco i ravioli ricotta e spinaci che ho preparato per la vigilia! in tutto, 43 ravioli di taglia gigante, con ripieno di ricotta e spicaci e gli spinaci pure nell'impasto. l'idea iniziale era di tagliarli con una formina da biscotti a forma di abete e di renderli così molto natalizi, ma 1) farcire con il ripieno due abeti di pasta sovrapposti è impossibile (a meno che non si usi quasi zero ripieno) 2) sigillare i bordi è un icubo! così ho optato per una forma più classica. dato che mio papà, alla fine, non è venuto (...) ed eravamo solo in tre, ne ho congelati un bel po' per una futura cena.

クリスマスイヴのために作った法蓮草とリコッタチーズのラビオリ! 生地にも法蓮草をすこし入れたので、 すごい緑色になりました。43ラビオリを作ったので、 半分んぐらい冷凍しました

23 December 2009

ancora la neve

ed ecco altre foto scattate sabato mattina dopo la super nevicata: dall'alto la lavanda del mio balcone sommersa dalla neve! spero tanto che sopravviva fino all'estate perché lo scorso anno era davvero splendida; la corte dei vicini dalla finestra della mia cucina; campo San Francesco della Vigna.

per Luciana. un abbraccio (e qui i gatti > veneziakara.blogspot.com/)

22 December 2009


寒かった! 土曜日の朝目が覚めたらこんな景色になった.

15 December 2009


I bought this quite kitschy Chistmas thing at the Flea market on Sunday (30 €), it fits perfectly into my bookshelf and thus is safe from the cats so I can enjoy Christmas athmosphere at home, this year, without the cats eating all the decorations (and getting sick because of it). In addition to the small green and red lights, there's also a combination of lights + Christmas songs!!! too kitsch...

10 December 2009

Vota la Terra!

Today's menu - Wed. 9 December

BREAKFAST--- green tea | gluten-free bread with honey
LUNCH---1 hard-boiled egg | Japanese style stewed vegetables (it was a bento but I did not take a picture!)
BETWEEN-MEAL---apple | crackers | chocolate rice mini-cakes
DINNER---Cheese sandwich (panino!) | aperitif with a friend (two glasses of red wine!) | Japanese style stewed vegetables | two cups of camomille with honey

09 December 2009

Today's menu - Tues. 8 December

BREAKFAST--- green tea | gluten-free bread with honey
LUNCH---gluten-free bread with some caprino cheese + smoked salmon | Japanese style stewed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, daikon, leeks)*
DINNER---homemade gluten-free pizza and focaccia!

We had pizza on Monday too..while Sunday was a 'sandwich day' because we were in Milan fo my 能力試験. I planned to buy a donabe at Muji but the 試験 lasted longer than expected, much longer, so we had to go straight back to the train station, too bad!

*I made a huge pot of Japanese style stewed vegetables and have some leftovers for today too. Delicious

04 December 2009

Today's menu - Thurs. 3 December

BREAKFAST---green tea | rice pudding
LUNCH---millet korokke | spinach ohitashi
BETWEEN-MEALS---apple | sunflower seeds
DINNER---vegetable soup | grilled chiken breast | cheese

03 December 2009

Today's menu - Wed. 2 December

BREAKFAST--- green tea | rice pudding
LUNCH--- bento:  Japanese rice with sesame seeds |  spinach + tofu
BETWEEN-MEALS--- sunflower seeds | apple
DINNER--- vegetable soup with millet | millet korokke

01 December 2009

Wednesday bento

Japanese rice with black sesame seeds | tofu and spinach sautee with sunflower oil and tamari
I will add some hanakatsuo and tamari to the rice just before eating it

Today's menu - Tue.1 December

BREAKFAST---green tea with honey | some gluten free biscuits
LUNCH---bento with one egg tamagoyaki | spinach | roasted potatoes
BETWEEN-MEALS---two apples | one small rice cake with figs jam filling
DINNER---goat cheese | vegetables soup (no potatoes and beans)

I had some corn tortillas chips and wine before dinner. No good
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